21 Changes in Your Workspace That Can Improve Well-being and Productivity

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21 Changes in Your Workspace That Can Improve Well-being and Productivity

by Eric Delloye — Опубликовано в Luminette

Looking for the best office layout for productivity? You’re in the right place!

Office and workspace design trends come and go, but one thing remains constant -the relationship between workspace design and productivity.

An ideal workspace leads to a less stressful, hence more productive environment, while a less-than-ideal workspace can make the work environment more stressful, hence less productive.

That said, what changes can you make to your workspace to improve productivity? This article will answer this question. At the end of this read, you’ll know how to make your workspace more productive.

21 workspace changes you can make to improve your well-being and shoot up your productivity are:

1. Incorporate wearable light therapy glasses

Light therapy promotes daytime wakefulness and alertness to help you stay productive.

When natural bright light enters the eyes, it stimulates the hypothalamus, reducing the production of the sleep-inducing hormone (melatonin), thereby promoting wakefulness and alertness.

So, when you’re in the office environment and not getting enough natural light, your body may produce more melatonin, and you may feel drowsy when you should be awake and alert.

Incorporate wearable light therapy glasses

Wearing light therapy visors, like Luminette, can compensate for reduced sun exposure when in the office. The light therapy glasses send a bright light, 100 times the intensity of typical indoor lighting, into your eyes.

This stimulates the hypothalamus to reduce the production of the sleep-inducing hormone, promoting wakefulness and alertness to help you remain productive.

The Luminette light therapy glasses are safe. You can wear them like regular glasses and go about your normal work activities, or you can even wear them over your glasses.

2. Use task lighting

Task lighting enhances visibility and reduces eye strain, helping you avoid errors and feel more alert for increased productivity.

It provides adequate lighting, which enables you to see what you’re working on more clearly. This helps you reduce errors and mistakes.

Also, proper lighting reduces eye strain, which can lead to headaches, fatigue, and decreased concentration. Therefore, using task lighting helps you avoid these problems for increased productivity.

3. Invest in an ergonomic chair

Invest in a chair that provides optimal support and comfort, especially during long hours of sitting. Comfortable and supportive seating helps reduce discomfort and fatigue, allowing you to remain focused and more productive for longer periods.

Your office chair should provide lumbar support, supporting the natural curve of the spine. Also, check that it has adjustable features (like adjustable height and armrest) so you can customise it to fit your size.

Invest in an ergonomic chair

4. Invest in an adjustable desk

Invest in an adjustable office desk that allows you to alternate between standing and sitting when working.

Sitting for long hours is not good for your health. Even if you get an ergonomic chair and you’re very comfortable in it, being in a seated position for long periods can reduce blood flow to muscles, leading to fatigue and decreased mental alertness.

Switching between standing and sitting can increase blood flow and circulation, helping you combat fatigue and keep you more focused, improving productivity.

Invest in an adjustable desk

5. Introduce ergonomic tools

Incorporating ergonomic tools into your workspace can reduce strain on your body, improve comfort, and enhance productivity.

Ergonomic workspace elements are not limited to chairs and desks. You may use a footrest to support your feet, a padded wristrest to support your wrist while typing, or an anti-fatigue mat to cushion your feet when standing.

6. Allow enough room to encourage movement

Movement stimulates blood flow and circulation, improving oxygen and nutrient delivery to the brain for improved alertness and concentration, ultimately enhancing productivity.

While alternating between sitting and standing helps, it may not provide enough movement to combat the physical fatigue and mental lethargy that comes with staying in one position for extended periods.

Thus, the best office layouts for productivity allow reasonable room for people to move around freely.

7. Integrate exercise equipment

Integrating exercise equipment into a workplace design has physical health benefits because short bouts of exercise reduce sedentary behaviour and help employees combat fatigue. It can also be an outlet for stress relief during the workday.

Of course, your office or workspace isn’t the gym. So, you’ll need to keep it light. Resistance bands will do.

8. Add greenery to your workspace

Adding greenery to your workspace can improve air quality and create a more calming atmosphere.

Incorporating greenery into office spaces is a key principle of biophilic design because exposure to natural elements such as green plants can reduce stress levels and increase feelings of positivity.

Plants in an office space can create a calming environment that helps you feel more relaxed, focused, and motivated.

Add greenery to your workspace

Office plants can also filter toxins from the air, improving air quality. Cleaner air enhances cognitive function and productivity by reducing symptoms such as headaches and fatigue.

9. Declutter your workspace

A clean and organised workspace reduces distractions, enhances focus, and improves efficiency. So, whatever your office workspace design, remove all unnecessary items from your work table and surrounding area.

When you declutter your workspace, you create an organized environment that minimises visual distractions, allowing you to concentrate more effectively. You can also locate items more quickly, increasing efficiency and productivity.

10. Incorporate personalised decor

Personalised decor is one of the best productive office elements because it positively influences mood and morale.

Decorate your personal office space with items that inspire you, such as photos and artwork. Not only can personalised decor be a source of inspiration, but it can also evoke positive emotions that can make employees feel better and less distracted by negative feelings or tension.

11. Block out noise

Noise is usually rated as the number one disturbance factor affecting employee productivity in an office. Noise can be a distraction. Thus, blocking out noise helps you create a more conducive environment for concentration and focus.

A simple way to block out noise in your private workspace is to use noise-cancelling headphones. You may consider soundproofing the walls with acoustic panels or foams in an office space.

Block out noise

12. Leverage colour psychology

Research into office design and productivity has established that workplace colours affect employees’ moods and productivity levels.

For example, blue and green are associated with calmness and can help lower stress and promote concentration.

Yellow is associated with energy and creativity and can stimulate mental activity, making it suitable for creative studios, brainstorming rooms, and other environments that prioritise innovation and idea generation.

So, to improve employee productivity, paint office spaces with an appropriate colour.

Leverage colour psychology

13. Use a personalised workspace layout

The best office design for productivity is usually one that is specifically tailored to the way you work most effectively. This is because a workspace that suits your workflow streamlines your processes, leading to more efficient task execution.

Arrange your desk and equipment to facilitate your workflows. For example, if you frequently switch between tasks, you may want to consider creating zones for different activities.

14. Use a desk organiser

A desk organiser can facilitate a smoother workflow. By keeping pens, notebooks, and other essentials organised and within reach, you can easily locate and retrieve what you need instead of wasting time rummaging through clutter.

This leads to increased efficiency and productivity.

desk organiser

15. Maintain a comfortable temperature

You can’t work effectively if your workspace is too hot and you’re sweating all over. You also can’t work optimally if the workspace is too cold.

Uncomfortable temperatures impact employee health and well-being. For example, excessively cold environments can increase the risk of illnesses like cold and flu, while excessively hot environments can lead to dehydration and heat-related issues.

Therefore, maintaining a comfortable temperature in the workplace promotes employee well-being and overall health.

16. Make healthy snacks available

Healthy snacks provide nutrients that sustain energy levels throughout the day. When employees have consistent energy levels, they can maintain focus and be more productive.

Munching on healthy snacks during work also has a positive impact on mood. And when employees feel happier, they’re likelier to be more engaged and productive.

17. Include hydration stations

Staying hydrated helps maintain good physical and mental health. Proper hydration also helps prevent fatigue and keeps employees alert to increase productivity and performance.

Thus, include hydration stations in your office layout where office workers can easily access fresh drinking water. For a private workspace, keep a water bottle or pitcher on your desk.

Include hydration stations

18. Include breakout spaces in the office layout design

Breakout spaces are important for employee well-being as they promote relaxation and rejuvenation.

These spaces provide employees with opportunities to take short breaks, unwind, recharge their batteries, and collaborate away from their desks, leading to increased productivity.

19. Add an inspiration board

Having an inspiration board with clear goals can constantly remind employees of aspirations, keeping them focused on their objectives amidst distractions and competing priorities.

An inspiration board will also help employees reflect on goals, boosting creative thinking that sparks new insights and fresh perspectives.

20. Incorporate aromatherapy

Research shows that aromatherapy promotes physical and psychological well-being. The sweet scent of essential oils and scented candles promotes relaxation and reduces stress.

Aromatherapy transforms the physical environment of the office into a relaxing space, allowing employees to maintain focus on tasks and increase their productivity.

21. Try productivity apps and tools

Productivity apps and tools help individuals and teams manage their time and tasks more efficiently, increasing productivity.

Their task management features allow users to create and organise tasks, prioritise activities, and set deadlines.

This helps you stay focused on your goals. You can also set reminders, plan your day effectively, and use their time-tracking feature to understand how you spend time on different activities.

Takeaway: Boost workplace productivity with Luminette light glasses

The layout and condition of your workspace significantly impact productivity.

Implementing some of the workspace changes discussed in this article can help you boost productivity. However, one of the easiest to implement, yet one of the most impactful, is using wearable light therapy.

With the Luminette light glasses, you can have your light therapy on the go. You can wear them as regular eyeglasses throughout the day and go about your regular work activities. The light glasses will shoot a safe, bright light into your eyes, promoting wakefulness and alertness for increased productivity.

Ready to use light therapy to improve workplace productivity? Order the innovative Luminette 3 today!


How does office design affect productivity?

An office design can affect employees’ health, mood, and focus, which in turn affects productivity because healthier, happier, and more focused employees are more productive.

What are the key elements of a productive office?

An office design incorporates certain elements to enhance employee productivity. These include natural light, noise control, temperature control, ergonomic chairs, office plants, breakout spaces, healthy snacks, hydration stations, and appropriate wall colours.

How can I make my workspace more productive?

To improve productivity in your workspace, consider implementing several of the key elements of a productive office. Start by tailoring your workspace to suit your workflow.

Ensure proper lighting, noise control, and temperature control to create a conducive atmosphere. Also, use Luminette wearable light glasses to promote alertness, introduce ergonomic furniture to support physical health and comfort, and incorporate greenery and personalised decor to improve mood.